Introducing Kobo Sage, our most accomplished eReader ever. Designed to inspire you with every read, Kobo Sage delivers every feature Kobo offers in one sleek package, plus Bluetooth® wireless technology so you can listen to Kobo Audiobooks1. The luxurious 8" HD flush E Ink Carta 1200 touchscreen delivers superior performance and depth of contrast, with zero glare. Take your Kobo Sage experience even further with elegant, custom designed accessories. Kobo Sage SleepCover2 and new PowerCover2 were purpose-built to provide protection and a premium experience. And with Kobo Stylus2 compatibility, you can dive further into your favourite read by capturing your ideas on-the-go and saving them to other devices with Dropbox Support. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having every feature at your fingertips, and knowing you'll have our best, most immersive reading experience.
A Screen That Looks & Feels Better
Kobo Sage's 8" flush, high-definition E Ink Carta 1200 touchscreen offers deep contrast, super-clear readability, and faster page turns on an expansive display. The eye-catching glare free HD display with ComfortLight PRO allows for brightness and blue light control. This large screen eReader with Dark Mode offers a new way to reduce eyestrain.
A Versatile Tool for Devoted Readers
Designed from the ground up with a quad-core CPU and faster, dual band WiFi to deliver top performance in one elegant package. Sleek and lightweight, Kobo Sage feels perfect in your hands in landscape or portrait mode. The Kobo Sage eReader with page-turn buttons keep the story moving with one hand. Ergonomically designed and fully waterproof*, Kobo Sage is with you from the conference table to the bathtub. Welcome to the lap of luxury. *Meets requirements of IPX8 rating. Waterproof for up to 60 minutes in up to 2 metres of water.
Capture Your Imagination & Every Thought
Kobo Sage works seamlessly with Kobo Stylus** (sold separately), to allow you to make handwritten notes in eBooks and PDFs***. Kobo Sage's built-in notebook feature keeps all your notes at hand and can convert your writing to clean text. The possibilities are limitless with our eReader with stylus compatibility. **Kobo Stylus sold separately, not included. ***PDFs with digital rights management or permission limitations are not compatible with markups or annotations.
Unlock Ultimate Potential
Share everything with Dropbox Support. Add your own eBooks and documents wirelessly, export notebooks you've made with Kobo Stylus**, and keep everything on-hand with cloud storage. **Kobo Stylus sold separately, not included.
Read or Be Read to
Kobo Audiobooks† support with Bluetooth® wireless technology lets you dive into a story when your hands are tied. †Audiobooks available only in select countries. Bluetooth® wireless headphones or speaker required.
Take Your Reading Further
Access your local library and borrow eBooks right from your Kobo Elipsa 2E with built-in public library borrowing* and read saved online articles with a free Pocket account. *OverDrive available only in select countries. eBook availability varies by library location.
Key Features
8" HD flush E Ink Carta 1200 touchscreen, fully waterproof3
Ergonomic design, landscape mode, and page-turn buttons
Dropbox Support. Add your own eBooks and documents
Kobo Stylus2 compatible to mark up eBooks and create notebooks
ComfortLight PRO with brightness control and blue light reduction
Listen to Kobo Audiobooks with Bluetooth® wireless technology5
Built-in eBookstore and Pocket support for saving and reading online articles
Built-in public library borrowing6
1 Audiobooks available only in select countries. Bluetooth® wireless headphones or speaker required.
2 Sold separately, not included
3 Meets requirements of IPX8 rating. Waterproof for up to 60 minutes in up to 2 metres of water.
4 PDFs with digital rights management or permission limitations are not compatible with markups or annotations.
5 Audiobooks available only in select countries. Bluetooth® wireless headphones or speaker required.
6 OverDrive available only in select countries. eBook availability varies by library location.